Friday, June 15, 2012
Indonesia Day 2012
Dear Permai BC members,
It's almost time for our biggest project this year "INDONESIA DAY-Pesta Rakyat". This event will be different and more exciting from the previous years! For the first time, this event will be covered by TRANS7 TV; one of Indonesia's prominent broadcasting network. Moreover, this event will not only serve as a celebration of Indonesian Independence's day but also celebrate Hari Anak Nasional. So, you can expect various games intended not only for adults but also for kids.
For those who would like to participate for Hari Anak Nasional games, it starts at 10.30am sharp. So please come on time!!!!
Of course, this event will not be complete without Indonesian foods and awesome performances!!
So, here are our confirmed menu and there will be more coming:
Nasi Kuning, Rendang, Orak Arik, Perkedel, Telor Balado, Siomay Bandung, Perkedel Jagung, Lontong Cap Gomeh, Cendol, Sate Ayam Madura, Rujak Kemanten, Bakso Kuah, Mie ayam, Soto Mie, Rempeyek, Nasi Campur Bali, Cendol Es Campur, Es Sarang Burung and much more !!
And here are our awesome performances:
Si Manis Jembatan Ancol Comedy Show by Gaple Group, Dance by Indonesia Satoe, Solo performance by Hubertine Hapsari Paramagita, Paduan Suara UKI BC, Solo performance by Sergio and Sashi, Taufik Band, Aldo Band & more coming !!
So now mark your calendar on 8th of July 2012!!!!
Place: Scandinavian Community Center (6540 Thomas Street)
Door opens at 10.30am to 5pm
Admission: $3 (Children under 5 is Free)
Please click "attend" on our facebook event
Hope to see you there!!
PS: In the meantime watch your email and facebook, there will be more information coming.
Permai BC Boards 2012-2013
PERMAI-BC is a non-profit and non-political organization with missions to foster closer cooperation among Indonesians in BC, and to introduce Indonesian arts and culture to Canadians in general
Friday, April 13, 2012
Where Will You Take You
Greetings PERMAI BC members,
First of all, we would like to thank those of you who showed up in our bowling event. For our next event, we will have an educational seminar called "Where will you take you". This seminar is about Canadian Immigration, Employment Opportunities in BC and Personal Financial Planning.
It is designed to address all stages of Indonesians who live in Canada ranging from students, recently graduated students, recently immigrants, immigrants who are currently under employed and those who just needs to understand how to manage their money.
So here’s the topic,
Tim Bailey, BA, LLB - Canadian immigration lawyer. Tim will present a deep dive of Canadian immigration environment and he will also go over some of the option of immigration streams that are available for you. Current permanent resident processing time is from 6 months to 4 years, so, do not wait and be a head of the curve.
Wanda Kusumajuda – Employment Counselor. Wanda has over 6 years’ experience providing educational and job search options to various clients including local professionals, immigrants and students. Wanda will be sharing about how Canadian resume should look like and also how you can become part of federal government $22 million program to upgrade your skill set.
Edi Soehardhi – Professional Banker. Edi has over 16 years’ experience in banking industries. Edi will be going over of how important credit history and retirement planning options.
We are very excited about this seminar and look forward to see you guys there.
Date&Time: April 28 @2PM-5PM
Place : Vancouver Racquet Club
4867 Ontario St, Vancouver BC
For reservation please contact Rizki Ilham 778-786-1456 or
PS: 5 dollar is cost recovery for venue, snacks and beverages.
Thank you,
Period 2012-2013
Monday, March 12, 2012
Greetings PERMAI BC members,
First of all,we would like to thank all of you for joining PERMAI BC this year. One of our mission is to foster closer cooperation among Indonesians in BC. Therefore, as promised, we would like to present you our first event for this year "LET'S BOWL", a bowling activities to spend your lovely weekend with family and friends.
Date&Time : Sunday, March 24th 2012 @3-5 PM
Venue: REVS BURNABY 5502 Lougheed Highway Burnaby
Price: $ 12 (Shoes are included)
For reservation, please contact Dharma: 778-318-0096 or .
Thank you,
Period 2012-2013
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Annual General Meeting – Installation of New Board Member Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rizki Ilham - President
Rizki has been in corporate finance for the past 9 years, he currently holds Sr. Manager of North America, Pricing Strategy position at School Specialty Inc. a leading school supplies company in the US and Canada. Previous to his current profession, he was a Senior Analyst at Landvest Corporation a top 10 real estate firm in the US.
As in community services, Rizki was elected as the Chief of Public Relation Committee to the United Moslem Association of Wisconsin in 1997 and in the year of 2000 he was also elected as General Assembly to the Indonesian Student Association of Wichita, Kansas.
Rizki graduated with BBA in Finance & Marketing from Wichita State University and Diploma of Accounting from University of British Columbia.
Rizki lives with his wife, Vidya P. Zain and son, Dante in Coquitlam, BC.
Lidya Kewas – Vice President
Tetty Dameria Simorangkir-Treasurer
Tetty came to Canada as a landed immigrant on Dec’2007. She graduated from University of Indonesia in 1983. Her previous education and experience had given her the golden opportunity to work in many national and multinational level companies, such as: PT Jeunesse (Accountant), PT Ahara Prima Design (Finance and Admin. Manager),PT Java Marin Lines Pte Ltd (Finance and Accounting Manager),PT Chicago bridge and Iron (Finance and Accounting Manager),PT Simabu Jaya. (Finance Director). She also had volunteered at Perguruan Advent I Jakarta (Finance and Accounting Advisor).
Her last position in Indonesia was a Finance Director in PT Simabu Jaya, which focus in trading hospital supplies and building maintenance. When she moved to Canada, she was hired as a temporary worker by Sierra Wireless, WWTC. In the meantime, as a dedicated house wife, she is also pursuing her study to get a Certificate in Accounting (CGA). Her goal is to become a successful entrepreneur.
Tetty lives with her husband, Charles Nainggolan and adult son, Odi, in Burnaby, BC
Amalia Rizkina – Secretary
Amalia (known as Mia) moved to Vancouver in May 2011 from Regina, SK. Mia has held multiple positions in banking industry (Standard Chartered Bank, CIBC and HSBC) both in Canada and Indonesia for the past 7 years, and currently, she is working at HSBC Bank Canada. Mia holds Bachelor of International Business Management, Faculty of Economics from Trisakti University.
As in community services she was in committee role for Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation - CIBC Run for Cure Committee; Volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, and education and awareness programs.
Mia lives with her husband Mirza Soeria Atmadja in Burnaby, BC
Mirza Soeria Atmadja-Director of General Affairs
Mirza moved to Vancouver in May 2011 from Regina, SK. Mirza has held multiple positions in banking industry (CIBC and HSBC) both in Canada and Indonesia for the past 6 years, and currently, he is working at HSBC Bank Canada. Mirza holds Bachelor of Business and Industrial Low, Faculty of Law from Trisakti University.
As in community services he was in committee role for Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation - CIBC Run for Cure Committee; Volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, and education and awareness programs.
Mirza lives with his wife Amalia Rizkina in Burnaby, BC.
Putri Daradasih-Director of General Affairs/Assistant Secretary
Putri first came to Canada in 2005 to pursue her undergraduate education at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby. She graduated in 2010 and holds Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Criminology. Putri has a profound passion in working with the community therefore she has an extensive involvements with non-profit organizations. She was the Vice President of the Simon Fraser University - Indonesian Student Association and she volunteered as an ESL Teacher’s Assistant for one semester at the Pacific Immigrant Resources Society. She also did an internship at the Indonesian Child Welfare Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia, as a part of the Research and Development department focusing on child trafficking in Indonesia. As a film enthusiast, Putri is the founder of Prodjektor Entertainment, which is a non-profit organization dedicated in promoting Indonesian culture through media/entertainment in Vancouver. She successfully held the Indonesian Film Festival in Vancouver two years in a row as the Event Director.
Putri lives in Vancouver, BC.
Jodi Carissa Leo Bunga-Director of Marketing-Public Relation
Jodi came to Vancouver in January 2008. She is currently studying in Simon Fraser University and majoring in Economics. She previously went to Columbia College in Vancouver to take High School Completion & University Transfer program until September 2009. She had joined a student association club SACC in Columbia College and took an executives role in that organization. Her involvement for Indonesian community in Canada started in 2010 as she joined SFU-IA (SFU Indonesian Association). After a year of dedications and contributions for this club, she is trusted to be SFUIA 2011-2012 Vice President.
Jodi lives in Yaletown with her cousin, Jessica Deandra.
Hubertine Paramagita-Director of Marketing-Cultural
Hubertine Paramagita came to Canada in 2007 and she went to Burnaby South Secondary School from grade 9 to 12. Her passion brought her to BCIT’s Broadcast and Media Communications - Radio program. She has been actively involved in various non-profit organizations at school and communities. Such as, Mudika UKIBC (Indonesian Youth Catholic Community) as an executive member, MudixFM Online Radio Station as a host, a member of UKIBC Music Ministry, SOUTH ESL Success Club as a mentor, and SOUTH Junior Soccer team as an Assistant Manager.
Her goal is to pursuing a career in a Music Industry as a jazz singer.
Hubertine lives with her parents (Johannes and Clara Kriswanto) and 3 siblings (Eduardus Pradipto, Gabriela Pramesti, and Isabella Paramastri).
Christopher Dharma-Director of Marketing-Social
Chris (more commonly known as Dharma among Indonesians) is currently a third year student in Simon Fraser University (SFU), pursuing his undergraduate degree, with a double major in statistics and psychology. He came to Canada January 2009, began his undergraduate career in Douglas College before transferring to Simon Fraser University in 2010. His organizational experiences began when he became the secretary of SFU-IA (Indonesian Association) at 2010, which later he was promoted as the President of the organization the following year up till this date.
His professional experience involves working in the IRP (Institutional Research and Planning) at SFU as an analyst and as a research assistant in the Psychology Department of SFU. He is currently looking for more opportunities as he tries to amalgamate his diverse interests in different areas and try to find his way in life.
Winda Tamboto Hartono-Assistant Treasurer
Winda came to Canada in 2007 and settled in Calgary, AB before moved to Vancouver in April 2010. She holds Bachelor of Medicine Degree from Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado and has completed EAP Program with University of Calgary. Her professional experiences include Student Counselor and then worked as Nurse Assistant at Sunflower Summer Camp Special School, Calgary and Internship at RS Prof. Kandou, Manado, Indonesia. Her associations’ history includes AIMGA (Alberta International Medical Graduate Association), PERMIKA Calgary (Persatuan Mahasiswa Indonesia di Kanada), CISC Calgary (Canadian Indonesian Social Club) & AMSA Indonesia (Asian Medical Student Association)
Winda lives in downtown Vancouver with her husband Damy Hartono.
Clara Kriswanto-Director of Education Affairs/Advisory Council
Mini bio to follow
Annual General Meeting – Installation of New Board Member Saturday, January 21, 2012
Rizki Ilham - President
Rizki has been in corporate finance for the past 9 years, he currently holds Sr. Manager of North America, Pricing Strategy position at School Specialty Inc. a leading school supplies company in the US and Canada. Previous to his current profession, he was a Senior Analyst at Landvest Corporation a top 10 real estate firm in the US.
As in community services, Rizki was elected as the Chief of Public Relation Committee to the United Moslem Association of Wisconsin in 1997 and in the year of 2000 he was also elected as General Assembly to the Indonesian Student Association of Wichita, Kansas.
Rizki graduated with BBA in Finance & Marketing from Wichita State University and Diploma of Accounting from University of British Columbia.
Rizki lives with his wife, Vidya P. Zain and son, Dante in Coquitlam, BC.
Lidya Kewas – Vice President
Graduated with tourism and economy degree from Jakarta- Indonesia, she worked in tourism and also in trades industry for years. In 1999, Lidya and her family moved to San Francisco. Then she worked in property management business ever since. Lidya with husband Ronny, daughters Annabel and Abigail migrated to Vancouver in 2007.
Lidya is currently working for RioCan Management Inc - Canada’s largest real estate investment trust company, while also serving Greater Vancouver neighborhood as a realtor for Sutton Group West Coast Realty - Canada’s number one real estate brokerage in dollar amount and property sales number.
Her passion in serving the community started since she was still very young in grade school and continue-on until today. Lidya has been contributing her unconditional care; share her knowledge and experience to bring Permai community together since 2009.
Tetty Dameria Simorangkir-Treasurer
Tetty came to Canada as a landed immigrant on Dec’2007. She graduated from University of Indonesia in 1983. Her previous education and experience had given her the golden opportunity to work in many national and multinational level companies, such as: PT Jeunesse (Accountant), PT Ahara Prima Design (Finance and Admin. Manager),PT Java Marin Lines Pte Ltd (Finance and Accounting Manager),PT Chicago bridge and Iron (Finance and Accounting Manager),PT Simabu Jaya. (Finance Director). She also had volunteered at Perguruan Advent I Jakarta (Finance and Accounting Advisor).
Her last position in Indonesia was a Finance Director in PT Simabu Jaya, which focus in trading hospital supplies and building maintenance. When she moved to Canada, she was hired as a temporary worker by Sierra Wireless, WWTC. In the meantime, as a dedicated house wife, she is also pursuing her study to get a Certificate in Accounting (CGA). Her goal is to become a successful entrepreneur.
Tetty lives with her husband, Charles Nainggolan and adult son, Odi, in Burnaby, BC
Amalia Rizkina – Secretary
Amalia (known as Mia) moved to Vancouver in May 2011 from Regina, SK. Mia has held multiple positions in banking industry (Standard Chartered Bank, CIBC and HSBC) both in Canada and Indonesia for the past 7 years, and currently, she is working at HSBC Bank Canada. Mia holds Bachelor of International Business Management, Faculty of Economics from Trisakti University.
As in community services she was in committee role for Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation - CIBC Run for Cure Committee; Volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, and education and awareness programs.
Mia lives with her husband Mirza Soeria Atmadja in Burnaby, BC
Mirza Soeria Atmadja-Director of General Affairs
Mirza moved to Vancouver in May 2011 from Regina, SK. Mirza has held multiple positions in banking industry (CIBC and HSBC) both in Canada and Indonesia for the past 6 years, and currently, he is working at HSBC Bank Canada. Mirza holds Bachelor of Business and Industrial Low, Faculty of Law from Trisakti University.
As in community services he was in committee role for Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation - CIBC Run for Cure Committee; Volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, and education and awareness programs.
Mirza lives with his wife Amalia Rizkina in Burnaby, BC.
Putri Daradasih-Director of General Affairs/Assistant Secretary
Putri first came to Canada in 2005 to pursue her undergraduate education at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby. She graduated in 2010 and holds Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Criminology. Putri has a profound passion in working with the community therefore she has an extensive involvements with non-profit organizations. She was the Vice President of the Simon Fraser University - Indonesian Student Association and she volunteered as an ESL Teacher’s Assistant for one semester at the Pacific Immigrant Resources Society. She also did an internship at the Indonesian Child Welfare Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia, as a part of the Research and Development department focusing on child trafficking in Indonesia. As a film enthusiast, Putri is the founder of Prodjektor Entertainment, which is a non-profit organization dedicated in promoting Indonesian culture through media/entertainment in Vancouver. She successfully held the Indonesian Film Festival in Vancouver two years in a row as the Event Director.
Putri lives in Vancouver, BC.
Jodi Carissa Leo Bunga-Director of Marketing-Public Relation
Jodi came to Vancouver in January 2008. She is currently studying in Simon Fraser University and majoring in Economics. She previously went to Columbia College in Vancouver to take High School Completion & University Transfer program until September 2009. She had joined a student association club SACC in Columbia College and took an executives role in that organization. Her involvement for Indonesian community in Canada started in 2010 as she joined SFU-IA (SFU Indonesian Association). After a year of dedications and contributions for this club, she is trusted to be SFUIA 2011-2012 Vice President.
Jodi lives in Yaletown with her cousin, Jessica Deandra.
Hubertine Paramagita-Director of Marketing-Cultural
Hubertine Paramagita came to Canada in 2007 and she went to Burnaby South Secondary School from grade 9 to 12. Her passion brought her to BCIT’s Broadcast and Media Communications - Radio program. She has been actively involved in various non-profit organizations at school and communities. Such as, Mudika UKIBC (Indonesian Youth Catholic Community) as an executive member, MudixFM Online Radio Station as a host, a member of UKIBC Music Ministry, SOUTH ESL Success Club as a mentor, and SOUTH Junior Soccer team as an Assistant Manager.
Her goal is to pursuing a career in a Music Industry as a jazz singer.
Hubertine lives with her parents (Johannes and Clara Kriswanto) and 3 siblings (Eduardus Pradipto, Gabriela Pramesti, and Isabella Paramastri).
Christopher Dharma-Director of Marketing-Social
Chris (more commonly known as Dharma among Indonesians) is currently a third year student in Simon Fraser University (SFU), pursuing his undergraduate degree, with a double major in statistics and psychology. He came to Canada January 2009, began his undergraduate career in Douglas College before transferring to Simon Fraser University in 2010. His organizational experiences began when he became the secretary of SFU-IA (Indonesian Association) at 2010, which later he was promoted as the President of the organization the following year up till this date.
His professional experience involves working in the IRP (Institutional Research and Planning) at SFU as an analyst and as a research assistant in the Psychology Department of SFU. He is currently looking for more opportunities as he tries to amalgamate his diverse interests in different areas and try to find his way in life.
Winda Tamboto Hartono-Assistant Treasurer
Winda came to Canada in 2007 and settled in Calgary, AB before moved to Vancouver in April 2010. She holds Bachelor of Medicine Degree from Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado and has completed EAP Program with University of Calgary. Her professional experiences include Student Counselor and then worked as Nurse Assistant at Sunflower Summer Camp Special School, Calgary and Internship at RS Prof. Kandou, Manado, Indonesia. Her associations’ history includes AIMGA (Alberta International Medical Graduate Association), PERMIKA Calgary (Persatuan Mahasiswa Indonesia di Kanada), CISC Calgary (Canadian Indonesian Social Club) & AMSA Indonesia (Asian Medical Student Association)
Winda lives in downtown Vancouver with her husband Damy Hartono.
Clara Kriswanto-Director of Education Affairs/Advisory Council
Mini bio to follow
Monday, January 23, 2012
Keanggotaan Permai-BC 2012
Hello semua,
Bagi anggota Permai-BC yang belum memperbaharui keanggotaannya untuk tahun 2012, silahkan mengisi formulir terlampir dan email balik ke alamat, atau fax ke: 604-608-9724, atau bisa juga melalu mail ke alamat yang tercantum di formulir.
Keanggotaan tahun ini tidak dipungut biaya. Bagi yang belum menjadi anggota, kami sangat mengharapkan untuk mendengar juga dari Anda. Silahkan mengisi formulir yang terlampir.
Terima kasih sebelumnya.
Permai-BC Board 2012
Bagi anggota Permai-BC yang belum memperbaharui keanggotaannya untuk tahun 2012, silahkan mengisi formulir terlampir dan email balik ke alamat, atau fax ke: 604-608-9724, atau bisa juga melalu mail ke alamat yang tercantum di formulir.
Keanggotaan tahun ini tidak dipungut biaya. Bagi yang belum menjadi anggota, kami sangat mengharapkan untuk mendengar juga dari Anda. Silahkan mengisi formulir yang terlampir.
Terima kasih sebelumnya.
Permai-BC Board 2012
Formulir pendaftaran anggota:
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Rapat Umum Tahunan Permai-BC 2012
Seluruh anggota Permai-BC yth,
Dengan ini kami hendak mengundang Anda untuk menghadiri Rapat Umum Tahunan yang akan diadakan sebagai berikut:: Tempat : Vancouver Racquet Club
4867 Ontario Street
Vancouver, BC
Tanggal & Waktu: Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012
Jam 14.00 s/d 16.00 (mohon tepat waktu)
(Makanan dan minuman akan disediakan).
Dengan ini, kami juga ingin mengundang anggota yang ingin terlibat dan menyumbangkan waktu dan pikirannya dalam kepengurusan Permai-BC periode Januari s/d Desember 2012, untuk mencalonkan diri dan mengirimkan imel ke alamat ini dengan bio-data Anda (nama, alamat, nomor telepon, pekerjaan, pengalaman organisasi, alasan mengapa tertarik), selambatnya hari Minggu tanggal 8 January 2012 untuk diproses lebih lanjut.
Pada kesempatan ini pula kami ingin mohon maaf atas segala kesalahan dan kekurangan kami selama kepengurusan yang lalu, serta tak lupa kami ingin mengucapkan banyak terimakasih atas semangat kerja sama Anda semua yang mendukung terlaksananya program-program kerja kepengurusan ini, dan semoga kiranya berlanjut ke tahun-tahun yang akan datang agar kinerja kepengurusan Permai-BC berikutnya lebih baik lagi.
Keanggotaan tahun 2012 tidak dipungut biaya, tetapi Anda perlu mengisi formulir keanggotaan tahun 2012 yang akan disediakan di tempat. Terima kasih untuk kerjasama Anda.
Selamat Tahun Baru 2012 dan sampai jumpa di Rapat Umum Tahunan dimana kehadiran Anda sangat kami harapkan.
Pengurus Permai-BC
Tahun Kepengurusan 2010-2011
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