Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Contact Us
AGM 2009 Invitation
Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i/Teman/Adik anggota PERMAI-BC di Lower Mainland,
Hampir tiga tahun berlalu sejak terakhir kalinya PERMAI-BC mengadakan Annual General Meeting di bulan Juli 2006, dimana dibentuk Care Taker dan Nomination Committee untuk mencari dan mempersiapkan kepengurusan baru yang diharapkan dapat melanjutkan semangat dan momentum kegiatan kepengurusan sebelumnya.
Setelah perjalanan panjang, dengan ini kami mengundang anggota PERMAI-BC untuk menghadiri acara kami:
Acara : Annual General Meeting & pemilihan kepengurusan 2009 – 2010
Tanggal : Sabtu, 4 April 2009
Waktu : pukul 4 – 6 sore
Tempat : One University Crescent Club House 9390 University Crescent Burnaby, BC V5A 4X9 map
Contact : Heru Santoso (604-803-4846)
Mengingat tempat terbatas, mohon RSVP segera ke
Terima kasih atas perhatiannya dan kami tunggu kehadirannya.
Together we’ll achieve!
Dear fellow PERMAI-BC Members in the Lower Mainland,
It has been three years since PERMAI-BC had its Annual General Meeting in July 2006, where Care Taker and Nomination Committee were formed to search and prepare new board members to continue the energy and momentum of the previous board.
After a long journey, PERMAI-BC would like to invite you to attend the following:
Event : Annual General Meeting & election of new boards 2009 – 2010
Date : Saturday, April 4, 2009
Time : 4 – 6 pm
Venue : One University Crescent Club House 9390 University Crescent Burnaby, BC V5A 4X9 map
Contact : Heru Santoso (604-803-4846)
Due to limited space, please RSVP to
Thank you for your kind attention and we look forward to see you there.
Together we’ll achieve!
Past Events
- Summer Picnics
- Asian Culture and Food Festival
- Indonesian Food Fair
- “Spotlight of Indonesia”, highlighting cultural performances from different parts of Indonesia
- Job Searching Seminar
- Bahasa Indonesia class for children
- Javanese and Balinese dance classes
- Holiday Bazaar
- Participation in “Explore Asian” event, promoting Indonesian paintings, art and traditional batik
- Circulation of PERMAI-BC’s Newsletter, highlighting community events, news, stories, with information and advertisement of Indonesian-owned businesses
More Pictures from past events:
- Dinner and Gathering - November 2007
- Language and Culture for Children - December 2005
- Leadership Workshop - November 2005
- Summer Picnic - July 2005
- Bazar and Silent Auction - 2005
- AGM - June 2005
Bahasa Indonesia Version
Artikel dalam website ini disediakan apa adanya tanpa jaminan yang tersurat maupun tersirat. Sementara setiap upaya telah diambil untuk memastikan ketepatan informasi dalam artikel ini, sang maintainer dan / atau kontributor menganggap tidak bertanggung jawab atas kesalahan atau kelalaian, atau kerusakan akibat dari penggunaan informasi ini. Perlu diketahui bahwa informasi yang terdapat dalam FAQ yang tidak dirancang khusus untuk bertindak sebagai hukum menasihati dan penerapan undang-undang, terutama undang-undang imigrasi dapat bervariasi secara drastis pada kasus per kasus. Konsultasikan dengan ahli hukum profesional jika Anda membutuhkan nasehat hukum yang tepat, karena beberapa informasi telah diberikan bukan oleh profesional dan Anda harus menggunakan kebijakan penilaian sendiri dalam mengimplementasikan informasi.
AGM 2009
It’s just life.
When we find ourselves stuck to get across or stumbled on the wall, we persevere to find the ways around our struggles. For the past few years, PERMAI BC has similar situation. Not anymore.
We are pleased to introduce our new Boards for 2009/2010. They are officially installed in our Special/Annual General Meeting on April 4, 2009. Old faces mixed with new ones. All has common goals, to contribute into the dynamics of our beloved communities. With their unique capacities, they are willing to work together. They are also confident that the community won’t take them for granted. The community will enthusiastically support and participate.
PERMAI-BC (Indonesian Associations of BC)- 2009/2010 Boards
Chairman :
Liza Widyarso-Wajong
Vice Chairman :
Budi Setiawan H.
Secretary :
Budi Setiawan H. (acting)
Treasurer :
Agung Tjiptadi
Committee Chairs
Membership :
Lidya Kewas
External Relations :
Agustian Hermanto
Programs :
Rome Boona & Teddy Setiadi (Sports & Recreations),
Clara Kriswanto (Community Learning)
Publications :
Heru Santoso, Saleh Tjandra, Riandy Hendrawan
We have general email if you want to connect with us. Email us at , (it’s permai underscore bc @ yahoo dot ca). We’ll try our best to response ASAP.
Congratulations to the new team!

Member anxiously waited the result of nomination.

Cultural difference tips
Yang di Indonesia dibilang umum atau sopan bisa dibilang tidak di Canada atau sebaliknya berikut beberapa tips:
Antri berlaku di mana saja, mulai beli tiket, beli makanan atau naik bis semua orang harus mencari tahu siapa yang datang lebih dulu
Jika anda berbicara anda harus menjaga eye contact, sesering mungkin melihat lawan bicara anda karena kalo tidak lawan bicara anda akan merasa tersinggung atau mengira anda sedang menyembunyikan sesuatu. Meskipun buat ukuran Indonesia kadang ini bisa berarti terlalu agresive.
Berjabat tangan tidak boleh hanya menempelkan tangan, tapi harus benar-benar rekat kalo tidak ini bisa berarti anda mengacuhkan atau kurang beratensi. Mungkin di Indonesia karena udara panas tangan pada basah, udara juga bikin badan cepet capai, jadi jabat tangan cukup menempelkan tangan.
Menggunakan tangan kiri dalam memberikan sesuatu sangat umum di Canada. Di Indonesia ini tidak sopan.
Penggunaan title Pak, Om, Mas tidak umum di Canada bahkan kepada boss anda cukup memanggil dengan nama depan.
Bersin di antara orang banyak sebaiknya dihindari atau menutup rapat-rapat dengan lengan tangan anda.
Jika anda baru berkenalan dengan seseorang sebaiknya tidak bertanya urusan pribadi. Bahkan pertanyaan di mana anda tinggal sebaiknya dihindari karena itu sudah tergolong urusan pribadi di Canada ini. Jika anda ingin tahu urusan pribadi lawan bicara anda seperti di mana anda tinggal, anda bisa memulai dengan cerita di mana anda tinggal dan kenapa anda tinggal di daerah itu, kemudian lihat reaksinya. Ini juga berlaku untuk masalah pribadi lainnya seperti agama, pekerjaan, keluarga, asal suku, dll.
Jika anda ada pertanyaan atau usulan mengenai artikel di atas silahkan kirim email ke atau menulis comment di bawah ini.
English Version
Cultural differences tips
When something consider as normal or polite in Indonesia, it doesn't have to be the same in Canada, some of them may be impolite or vice versa following a few tips:
Queued apply anywhere, starting from buy ticket, buy food or hop on the bus, people have to line up. The last person arrive have to look for the last person in the line.
When you speak to someone you should maintain eye contact as often as possible otherwise he/she will think that you are ignoring him/her or you are hiding something. Although from Indonesia point habit this could be too agresive. the size of Indonesia for this can sometimes mean too agresive.
When you shake you should do it firmly otherwise he/she will think that you are not well or doesn't relly like to know him/her or other negative felling.
Using left hand to give or to accept something is very common in Canada. In Indonesia, this is not polite.
Use of title Pak, Om, Mas is not common in Canada and even to the boss you can just call their first name.
Sneezing among the people should be avoided or seal with your hands arms.
If you are acquainted with someone new you should not ask your personal affairs.
Even the questions like where do you live should be avoided because it is classified as private in Canada. If you want to know your opponent personal affairs, you can start with telling the story about yourself such as where do you live and why you live in the area, and then see your opponent the reaction. If they are interested you can go on ask where they live. This also applies to other personal issues such as religion, occupation, family, ethnic origin, etc.
If you have questions or suggestions about the article above please send email to write comment below.
First thing to do when you arrive
Berikut ini pertanyaan yang sering muncul setelah anda tiba di British Columbia, Canada.
Setelah tiba di tempat tinggal sementara apa yang harus dilakukan?
Pelajari daerah sekitar: seperti di mana tempat peberhentian bus/train, bagaimana schedulenya, di mana convenience/grocery store terdekat, dan walk-in clinic.
Bagaimana membuka bank account?
Buka bank account sangatlah mudah, anda cukup membawa passport. Selain mudah anda harus mengamankan uang anda lebih dulu sebelum anda melakukan aktivitas lain.
Bagaimana mendaftar SIN (Social Insurance Number)?
Di link ini disebutkan dokumen apa saja yang diperlukan. SIN ini diperlukan untuk cari kerja dan masalah pajak.
Bagaimana cara mendaftar Carecard (Jaminan kesehatan)?
Di link ini dijelaskan lebih detail bagaimana mendaftar untuk mendapatkan Carecard. Anda membutuhkan Carecard untuk pergi ke dokter. Perlu diingat selama 90 hari pertama setelah tiba anda menanggung biaya kesehatan anda sendiri.
Bagaimana cara mendapatkan driver license?
SIM anda dari Indonesia hanya berlaku 90 hari setelahnya anda harus menggunankan BC driver licence. Di link ini ada bisa mendapatkan informasi lebih detail.
Jika anda ada pertanyaan atau usulan mengenai artikel di atas silahkan kirim email ke atau menulis comment di bawah ini.
English Version
First thing to do when you arrive.
Here's a question that often appears after you arrive in British Columbia, Canada.
After arriving and settling in temporary residence, what will you do?
Learn the area around: such as where is bus stop or train station, how is the schedule, where is convenience or grocery store nearby, and walk-in clinic.
How do I open a bank account?
Open a bank account is very easy, just bring your passport to the bank nearby. You need to do this first In addition you must be easy to secure the money you first before you do another activity.
How do I register SIN (Social Insurance Number)?
This link mentions documents are required to apply. SIN is needed to find employment and tax issues.
How do I register Carecard (Health Care Card)?
This link describes more detail how to sign up to get Carecard. You need Carecard to go to the doctor. Please keep in mind during the first 90 days after you arrive bear the cost of your own health.
How do I get a driver license?
Your driver's license is only valid for 90 days after that you must apply for BC drivers license. In this link you will find more detail information.
If you have questions or suggestions about the article above please send email or write to comment below.
Before moving to Canada
Jika anda mendapat visa landed immigrant, kami masyarakat Indonesia di BC mengucapkan selamat. Selain rasa senang biasanya pikiran anda akan dipenuhi dengan berbagai pertanyaan bagaimana memulai hidup di Canada, tentunya ada banyak sekali pertanyaan yang muncul. Dan jika anda berencana menetap di BC, website ini tempat yang tepat untuk mendapatkan informasi penting yang bisa menjadi referensi. Juga buat pemegang working visa dan student visa.
Berikut beberapa pertanyaan yang sering muncul:
Apa perlu membawa SIM International?
Kalo anda berniat driving nantinya sebaiknya anda membawa SIM International karena selain anda bisa langsung menggunakannya juga anda tidak perlu menerjemakan waktu anda membuat SIM di BC.
Apa perlu menyiapkan pencarian kerja dari Indonesia? Apa saja yang bisa dilakukan?
Betul anda bisa memulai pencarian kerja dari Indonesia. Seperti mengumpulkan reference, setidaknya anda harus punya dua orang referensi yang nantinya bisa dihubungi lewat telepon dari Canada oleh candidate employer. Anda juga bisa meyiapkan resume dengan format yang umum di Canada. Juga anda bisa melakukan riset industri seperti siapa saja pemainnya, apakah ada asosiasinya, apakah ada list websitenya. Pencarian kerja akan dibahas lebih mendalam di site khusus di website ini.
Bagaimana cara mencari tempat tinggal sementara?
Ada baiknya tinggal di homestay karena selain harganya reasonable juga anda bisa pinjam alamat ke landlord untuk keperluan pendaftaran SIN dan Carecard nantinya. Craigslist adalah tempat utama untuk mencari tempat tinggal sementara melalui internet. Anda bisa cari berdasarkan harga sewa misal antara $800 - $ 1400 juga bisa mencari berdasarkan suburb. Anda bisa kirim email ke pemasang iklan untuk bertanya mengenai transportasi, minta foto tempat dan booking. Anda bisa menggunakan google map untuk melihat lokasinya. Biasanya anda butuh 15 sampai 30 hari tinggal di tempat tinggal sementara sebelum bisa mendapatkan tempat tinggal tetap.
Barang-barang apa saja yang perlu dikirim/bawa?
Sebaiknya anda mengirim/bawa barang-barang personal saja. Tidak perlu mengirim perabotan karena kemungkinan besar akan rusak/pecah dalam perjalanan. Seperti furniture dari kayu akan retak kena udara dingin. Perlu juga diingat untuk tidak membawa makanan karena peraturan custom Canada di airport yang ketat sekali. Selain juga sebagian besar makanan Indonesia ada di Vancouver. Juga tidak membawa uang lebih dari $10000. Anda bisa membawa traveler cheque atau mentransfernya nanti setelah anda punya bank account di Canada.
Masalah kesehatan apa yang perlu dipersiapkan?
Healthcare di Canada tidak menanggung masalah gigi dan mata. Perusahaan di mana anda kerjalah yang akan menanggung ini, bahkan biasanya hanya untuk full time job tidak untuk part time atau contract. Meskipun anda bisa beli asuransi untuk gigi dan mata tapi biasanya mahal sekali, setidaknya $ 1000 per orang per tahun. Jadi ada baiknya sebelum anda pergi ke dokter gigi dulu di Indonesia untuk memastikan tidak perlu ke dokter gigi untuk setidaknya setahun ke depan. Demikian juga dengan kaca mata.
Apakah perlu menutup credit card account di Indonesia? Apakah mudah mendapatkan credit card setelah tiba di Canada?
Tidak mudah mendapatkan credit card di Canada kalau anda belum punya pekerjaan tetap, mungkin bisa saja tapi dengan back up saving anda. Tapi sebagian besar pembayaran bisa dilakukan secara cash, tidak memiliki credit card tidak masalah, kecuali pembayaran tertentu seperti menyewa mobil. Jadi tergantung keperluan jika anda berencana menyewa mobil anda perlu credit card dari Indonesia.
Apakah perlu menerjemahkan academic record?
Ada baiknya anda menerjemahkan academic record dari universitas anda ke dalam English untuk keperluan melanjutkan study nantinya di Canada.
Jika anda ada pertanyaan atau usulan mengenai artikel di atas silahkan kirim email ke atau menulis comment di bawah ini.
(English Version)
Before moving to Canada
If you get a landed Immigrant visa, we people of Indonesia in BC like to say congratulation. In addition to feeling happy mind you will usually fill with many questions how life started in Canada, of course there are many questions that arise. And if you plan to live in BC, this website is the perfect place to get information that can be an important reference, also for the holder of a working visa and student visa. Here are some questions that frequently appear:
Is it necessary to bring the International driver license?
If you intend to drive it is good idea to bring it because you can use it for 90 days and also you don’t need translation when you apply for BC driving license.
Is it necessary to start job search from Indonesia? What can be done?
Answer: Yes it is better to start the search from Indonesia. As the reference, you should have at least two references who can be contacted later by telephone from Canada by candidate employer. You can also prepare resume with Canada style format. Also you can research your industry like who is the player, is there any association, is there any list of company’s website. The search will be discussed more in-depth site-specific in this website.
How do I find a place to stay temporarily?
Answer: It is a good idea to stay at homestay because of reasonable price and also you can borrow the address from landlord for the purpose of registration of SIN and Carecard later on. Craigslist is the main website to find the temporary place to stay. You can search by price for example rent between $ 800 - $ 1400 and it can also search by suburb. You can send an email to the advertisers to ask about transportation, more room photos and request a booking. You can use google map to view location. Usually you need 15 to 30 days stay in homestay while looking permanent one.
What items should be sent / taken?
We suggest you send / bring personal items only. No need to send the furniture because it will most likely be damaged / broken in transit. Furniture such as wooden akan cracked a cold. Please also remember not to bring food because the custom regulations in Canada that tight airport once. In addition to most of the Indonesian food in Vancouver. Also, money does not bring more than $ 10,000. You can bring traveler checks or transfer it later after you have a bank account in Canada.
Health problems that need to be prepared?
Healthcare in Canada does not bear the teeth and eyes. Company in which you work that will bear, and usually only for full-time job not for part time or contract. Although you can buy insurance for dental and eye, but usually very expensive, at least $ 1000 per person per year. So it's good idea you go to the dentist in Indonesia first to ensure that you do not need dentist treatment for period at least six month. Likewise with the eye glass it you wear.
Do I need to close credit card accounts in Indonesia? Is it easy to get credit card after arriving in Canada?
It is not easy to get credit card in Canada if you do not have job security, you may get credit card with your saving as a back up. But most of the payment can be done in cash, do not have a credit card is not a problem, except certain payments such as rent a car. So depending on the needs if you plan to rent a car right away then you need credit cards from Indonesia.
Is it necessary to translate the academic records?
It is a good idea to translate your academic record from your university in Indonesia from Bahasa Indonesia into English just in case you want to continue study in Canada.
If you have questions or suggestions about the article above please send email to or write comment below.